Senin, 12 Maret 2018

My Short Holiday in Grandfather home

   Last holiday, I went to the grandfather's house in Samirono, Yogyakarta with my parents. We spent our holiday there. We when there ride a motorcycle and leave at 09.00 a.m .

   In the first day, i spent time with reading some short stories, joke with family, and singing together. In the next day, iwent to the market with cousin. We went to the market only on foot because near. After finished in market, we bought vegetable, fruits, and also snacks. After finished we went home. Having arrive in home, I helped mother and sister cooked mushroom soup and fried chicken. After the food is ready, i helped prepare food for grandfather and we ate together. Because the daylight, we decided for taking a rest. After that, we directly went home.

   The holiday was only simple, but it makes me happy. I enjoyed every moment there. It was very impressed me and the most important thing is it has advantages into my life.

Jumat, 23 Februari 2018

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Jumat, 09 Februari 2018


Sabar adalah suatu sikap menahan emosi dan keinginan, serta bertahan dalam situasi sulit dengan tidak mengeluh.  sabar merupakan kemampuan mengendalikan diri yang juga dipandang sebagai sikap yang mempunyai nilai tinggi dan mencerminkan kekokohan jiwa orang yang memilikinya.  Semakin tinggi kesabaran yang seseorang miliki maka semakin kokoh juga ia dalam menghadapi segala macam masalah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan.  Sabar juga sering dikaitkan dengan tingkah laku positif yang ditonjolkan oleh individu atau seseorang. 
Dalam sebuah pernyataan pendek, dikatakan bahwa sabar itu "...seperti namanya, adalah sesuatu yang pahit dirasakan, tetapi hasilnya lebih manis daripada madu."

My Short Holiday in Grandfather home

   Last holiday, I went to the grandfather's house in Samirono, Yogyakarta with my parents. We spent our holiday there. We when there ri...